The general Directorate of Customs (Dgd) in Senegal and the State Digital Information Agency (Adie) have signed, this wednesday in Dakar, a Memorandum of Understanding to “take up the challenge of paperless customs procedures”.
“The Customs, pioneer in the use of computer system within the administration had to have such a partner with the size of the ADIE” said the Director general of Customs, Mr. Papa Ousmane Gueye, congratulating himself.
Stating that Senegalese Customs have for field the “implementation of computerized procedures”, the Director General Mr. Gueye, said that the partnership with the State Digital Information Agency will enable “full computerized customs procedures”.
The Memorandum of Understanding takes place in a framework of computerization of customs formalities, he explained, underlining that it will also provide Internet Access, technical support, and the implementation of a Data centre along with the securing of customs data.
The General Director of the ADIE, Cheikh Bakhoum, on his side, declared that the Memorandum of Understanding will allow his structure to assist the Customs general Directorate in terms of capacity training and netwoks’ infrastructures.