Vehicles used for tourism (87 03)
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD+RS+PCS+PCC+COSEC | 20+1+1+0,5+0,4 | 22,900 |
VAT | (base+DD+RS)×taux | (100+20+1)×18٪ | 21,780 |
Duties of registration | (base+DD+RS+TVA)×taux | (100+20+1+21 .78)×3٪ | 4,283 |
Total | 48 .563 48.97 |
Land way
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC | 20 +1 +1 +0,5 | 22.500% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +20 +1) ×18% | 21,780% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +20 +1 +21.78) ×3% | 4,283% |
Total | 48.563% 48.57% |
New vehicles for tourism
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC +COSEC | 20 +1 +1 +0,5 +0,4 | 22,900% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +20 +1) ×18% | 21,780% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +20 +1 +21.78) ×2% | 2,855% |
Total | 47,535% 47.54% |
Land way
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC | 20 +1 +1 +0,5 | 22.500% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +20 +1) ×18% | 21,780% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +20 +1 +21.78) ×2% | 2.855% |
Total | 47,135% 47.14% |
Utilitarian and used vehicles (87 04)
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC +COSEC | 10 +1 +1 +0,5 +0,4 | 12,900% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +10 +1) ×18% | 19,980% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +10 +1 +19.980) ×3% | 3.929% |
Total | 36.809% 36.81% |
Land way
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC | 10 +1 +1 +0,5 | 12,500% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +10 +1) ×18% | 19,980% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +10 +1 +19,980) ×3% | 3.929% |
Total | 36.409% 36.41% |
Utilitarian and new vehicles
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC +COSEC | 10 +1 +1 +0,5 +0,4 | 12,900% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +10 +1) ×18% | 19,980% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +10 +1 +19.980) ×2% | 2,619% |
Total | 35,499% 35.50% |
Land way
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC | 10 +1 +1 +0,5 | 12,500% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +10 +1) ×18% | 19,980% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +10 +1 +19,980) ×2% | 2,619% |
Total | 35,099% 35.10% |
Vehicles for particular using of 87 05
(breakdown lorries, transport Sweeper, truck cement mixer etc.) and road tractors for semi trailer use.(87 01 20)
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC +COSEC | 05 +1 +1 +0,5 +0,4 | 7,900% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +05 +1) ×18% | 19,080% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +05 +1 +19.080) ×3% | 3.752% |
Total | 30.732% 30.74% |
Land way
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC | 05 +1 +1 +0,5 | 7,500% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +05 +1) ×18% | 19,080% |
Duties of registration | (base +DD +RS +TVA) × taux | (100 +05 +1 +19.080) ×3% | 3.752% |
Total | 30.332% 30.34% |
Crawler tractors (87 01 30), motorized-cultivators (87 01 10), new and used cars
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC +COSEC | 05 +1 +1 +0,5 +0,4 | 7,900% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +05 +1) ×18% | 19,080% |
Duties of registration | Non applicable | — | — |
Total | 26,980% 26.99% |
Land way
Taxes | Calculation | Amount | Global Amount |
Duties without effect | DD +RS +PCS +PCC | 05 +1 +1 +0,5 | 7,500% |
VAT | (base +DD +RS) × taux | (100 +05 +1) ×18% | 19,080% |
Duties of registration | Non applicable | — | — |
Total | 26,580% 26.59% |
Methods to fix elements of taxation that refer to the value of vehicles and applicable freight.