On January 17th, 2021, 482 kg of Indian hemp were seized by the Mobile Customs’ unit of Koungheul, part of the Kaffrine Subdivision. Drugs were discovered on a Malian truck during a routine checkpoint at the Koungheul customs’ unit. The product was packaged in 241 sachets and concealed in an equipped hiding place. The seizure is estimated at 38,560,000 CFA francs. The Truck Driver was arrested and handed to the Public Prosecutor.
In the past weekend, the Maritime Customs’ Units carried out search operations along the coast and in the Saloum Islands. These operations enabled to seize:
• 152 kg of Indian hemp at Keur Balla by the Mbour Maritime unit
• 8 packages of medicines aboard in a canoe estimated at 21,578,400 CFA francs by the Joal Maritime Brigade. During this operation, two delinquents were arrested and handed to justice;
• 17 packages of fake medicines with their transporting vehicle were seized in Toubacouta , Fatick, by the Maritime Brigade. The seizure’s value is estimated at 13,138,000 CFA francs.
This occurred on Friday15th January, 2021, around 4 p.m., at the exit of Burfut. Two defendants were arrested. The procedure is ongoing.