During the second weekend of July, the “Jonction” Operation carried out by the central Department units (Kaolack-Fatick-Kaffrine-Diourbel) brought out the seizure of 84 kg of Indian hemp and a Peugeot 406 filled with fake medicines. On Saturday, July 18th, 2020 around 8 am, customs’ agents stopped an artisanal canoe, with the Indian hemp aboard. This canoe was crossing Djinack in the town of Toubacouta, department of Foundiougne. This part of the Junction Operation led by the Maritime Customs Brigade of Toubacouta, Fatick Subdivision. The total value of the prohibited goods and the means of transport is estimated at 6 million CFA francs. During this operation two individuals were arrested.
At the same time, the Nioro Mobile Customs Brigade, Kaolack Subdivision operated by intercepting a Peugeot 406 vehicle filled fake medicines to Santhie Diamal, in the department of Birkelane. These fake medicines consisted of: 3800 boxes in total, or 38000 blisters, and 236 boxes of Chlorpheniramine Maleate each containing 1000 tablets. Their total value is estimated at 22,220,000 CFA francs. The “Junction” Operation is part of the dismantling of networks and corridors for trafficking prohibited products.