Like the International Customs Community, Senegal Customs will celebrate next Monday, January 27th 2020, the International Customs’ Day.
The 2020 edition is dedicated to the contribution of Customs towards a sustainable future where social, economic, health and environmental needs are at the heart of our actions, with the slogan “Customs fostering Sustainability for People, Prosperity and the Planet”. This theme is divided into three major axes:
1. Building societies that keep people safe and secured
Customs plays a key role in the implementation of customs’ regulations which aims at responding to major socio-economic challenges. Thus customs fight against transnational organized crime and terrorism. They also combat serious crimes, such as human beings trafficking, drugs, weapons and money laundering.
2. Securing prosperity, reducing trade barriers for fair societies based on inclusion
By securing logistics and international trade, Customs contribute considerably to the prosperity of societies and economies, thus promoting their resilience. Moreover, it helps the competitiveness of economic operators and good governance as well as the stability of countries.
3. Protect the planet and ensure its sustainability for future generations.
All the above mentioned elements necessarily involve protecting the environment against all forms of degradation and crime. Thus, Customs’ action helps to ensure an ideal framework for development and fulfillment as well as the conditions of economic and social promotion for future generations. This approach places people and their environment at the center of concerns, and contributes to sustainability and regulated access to common natural goods.
To understand the link between security, prosperity, environment and development, the Senegal Customs is committed to work alongside with the World Customs’ Organization to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The international customs day is celebrated everywhere in Senegal. This year, the celebration will be held in the south-eastern customs region which covers the administrative regions of Tambacounda and Kedougou.