On Friday 08th November 2019 at 08 PM, 1440 kg of Indian hemp were seized by the Moussala Customs Commercial Brigade, Southeast Customs Region. This large seizure was loaded on a semi-trailer truck from Mali, registered in Senegal.
Indeed, Lieutenant Sidate KA and his team, discovered a hiding place in the truck during a routine check at the Moussala customs dam. It is a double bottom of a very large capacity of storage which, considering the modus operandi used, actually served to a regular and unsuspected traffic of prohibited products.The truck carried cement to the destination of Mali. While leaving traffickers loaded 72 bags of 20 kg of Indian hemp in the hiding place. The whole 1440 kg was estimated at 173 million CFA.
The Moussala Customs Commercial Brigade was just established 3 months ago, as part of the new units created by the Customs General Director. This has been done within the reorganizing action of customs’ services for a better network all over the territory and a more effective surveillance of our borders. Therefore, this immediate result shows how relevant the creation of these units was.
This operation was one of the largest one recorded in this part of the country for several years and the largest seizure in 2019.
The Customs’ Administration, in addition to its economic and fiscal missions, contributes through this arduous struggle against the illicit traffic in all its forms. In fact customs contribute to the security of populations and goods and to their protection of physical and mental health.
Seizure: 1440 kg of Indian hemp seized by the Moussala Kédougou Customs Brigade