According to the general director of the State Digital Agency (ADIE), rely greatly on the optical fiber deployed by the ADIE, meaning on all 4 500 kilometers of optical fiber. « The customs can use this equipment to connect all border units », explains Cheikh Bakhoum, DG of the ADIE. Beyond this infrastructure transporting data, the ADIE has put in place three data centers (points of resources) for the use all state administrations. One of these data centers, actually Diamniadio’s, of type tiers 3 with a capacity of two technical rooms of 250m2 can, according to Mr. Bakhoum, enable to customs and other Forces of defense and security to have shortcuts in matters of digitization.«The notion of smart borders is very interesting to us and our engineers who can collaborated with Defense and Security Forces, especially the customs, to quickly reach a complete digitization of customs procedures and smart borders », explains Cheikh Bakhoum. From his point of view, Senegal has many assets to value in this area. It’s simply a matter of federating all the synergies.