On Thursday, January 17th 2019, the Senegal Customs’ Administration organized a seminar to share and publicize the electronic procedures around the trade ecosystem in Senegal and GAINDE INTEGRAL, at the Terrou-Bi hotel. Launched a year ago, this innovative process promotes computerized customs’ clearance that guarantees customs’ operations reliability, including their simplification and speediness.
The challenges of customs’ modernization, its adaptation to the requirements of users for its appropriation had been the focus on main discussions. Nearly 300 participants, from all customs clearance stakeholders had been registered at the meeting.
Led by the Customs Information Systems Directorate, the seminar had been chaired by the Customs’ Director General M Omar DIALLO.
Mise en place
Arrivée des invités et installation …
Ouverture de la cérémonie
Arrivée du Coordonnateur et des officiels, pause café …
Début des travaux
Premières présentations (DSID, GAINDE, …)